Martel Tag


Video: What is innovation to you?

Martel has launched its latest short film: What is innovation to you? Playing with Martel’s tagline “Innovation, we make it happen” the film attempts to answer the question – what is innovation to you? Martel’s filmmakers Claire Doble and Miguel Alarcón asked attendees and exhibitors at the...

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Screenshot from the Martel video: 5G stories from 5G people

5G stories from 5G people

Martel has launched its latest video: 5G Stories from 5G People: Prepare for the Unexpected. The video contains footage shot at the recent Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. MWC is the world’s largest gathering for the mobile services industry. Martel’s 5G Stories… video features interviews...

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Monique Calisti: Sitra guest blog

Martel’s CEO Dr Monique Calisti has a guest blog up on the website of Finnish innovation agency, Sitra. Calisti’s blog “Creating an internet of humans” was written from her perspective as head of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Outreach Office. However, it also demonstrates Monique’s...

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Martel communicates innovation

One of the most critical factors in today’s hyper-connected society and densely populated digital innovation scene is communication. If you do it right you'll have a chance to be one of the 30% of digital businesses that succeed in the market. However, getting communication right requires...

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Martel wins 5G award

At last week’s Smart City World Expo Congress in Barcelona, Martel won a 5G award. The prize was for GreenRoute, a smart-mobility software application co-developed with Mexican institutions. We also exhibited our smart city platform Orchestra Cities at the conference. GreenRoute is a powered by FIWARE...

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Web Summit – Martel is back from the future!

Last week, Martel was in action at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. This huge tech conference is one of the world’s largest gatherings of entrepreneurs. There was an inspiring, music-festival atmosphere where thousands of people could share their vision and work for the future...

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Calling all winemakers! Survey

Martel’s newly launched project StoryWine is looking for small regional winemakers to help shape an innovative viticulture solution. StoryWine is a platform that builds on smart agriculture practices to deliver innovation and added value to vineyards. It will also improve efficiency and quality of wine production...

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EC Audit training by Martel

The EC audits its Horizon 2020 grant beneficiaries on a regular basis. Audits can happen anytime during a Horizon 2020 project and up to two years after the final payment. The selection of organisations to be audited is essentially random. This means that organisations that participate...

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Martel’s H2020 Training in Lausanne

This week Martel Innovate held its one-day training course, How To Write A Winning H2020 Proposal, at HES-SO in Lausanne. The course was well attended with 13 students from various disciplines in the classroom. Master Trainer and Martel Innovate CEO Dr Monique Calisti led the course,...

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NGI at Futur.e.s Festival

Futur.e.s in Paris is one of Europe’s largest innovation festivals. This year’s three-day edition in June attracted more than 22,000 visitors and Martel’s CEO Dr Monique Calisti was in attendance, participating in the Next Generation Internet (NGI) workshop hosted by Cap Digital and organised in...

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A toast from eWINE

Martel Media has confirmed its ability to achieve excellence in communicating ICT Research and Innovation projects (RIA) with the recent successful conclusion of the Horizon 2020 eWINE project. Martel was the Dissemination & Communication leader for the two-year eWINE project, which performed its final review in...

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Dr Monique Calisti at TEDx Modena Salon

Monique Calisti at TEDx: When humans do it better

Martel’s CEO Dr Monique Calisti gave her TEDx talk, “The Human Beauty in the Age of Machines” at the TEDx Modena Salon in February 2018 and the video is now live. Monique presented her experience as a technologist, scientist, innovator, entrepreneur and mother of three at...

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Martel wins EU-China 5G-Drive project

Martel has won a new H2020 project, 5G-Drive, a Research and Innovation Action working with a team in China in the field of connected mobility. The project adds to what has so far been a highly successful period for Martel in strengthening its position as...

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EU announces €94.1bn for Horizon Europe 2021-2027

The proposal for the next multiannual financial framework (MFF), the 9th framework programme for research and innovation as of 2021, represents the evolution of Horizon 2020 into Horizon Europe, outlining the priorities and allocating the Research and Innovation budget for 2021-2027. Andrus Ansip, the EC Vice-President for...

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Creating an innovation HUB for the Next Generation Internet Community

About the Next Generation Internet initiative

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, launched by the European Commission in autumn 2016, aims to shape the future internet as an interoperable platform ecosystem that embodies the values that Europe holds dear: openness, inclusivity, transparency, privacy, cooperation, and protection of data.

The NGI should ensure that the increased connectivity and the progressive adoption of advanced concepts and methodologies (spanning across several domains such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, interactive technologies, etc.) drive this technology revolution, while contributing to making the future internet more human-centric.

Martel Innovate goes to Mexico

Pioneering a FIWARE-driven Innovation Hub between Europe and Mexico! Exciting times for the Martel Innovate team at the start of two new EC-funded projects within the Horizon 2020 context that aim at strengthening collaboration between ICT innovators in Europe and in Mexico! By building up on the...

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CAPSSI - Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation

Martel Innovate for Sustainability & Social Innovation

[caption id="attachment_768" align="aligncenter" width="698"] CAPSSI - Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation[/caption] As of 1st June 2016, Martel Innovate‬ is at the guide of the ChiC‬ project that is an EC funded Coordination and Support Action serving the Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation, ‪#‎CAPSSI‬, initiative, promoted...

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New Blog Section on Martel Web Site

From today a new section is online on Martel web site! A blog containing stories and technical articles from Martel team! Check it out at [caption id="attachment_764" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Martel Innovate Blog[/caption] We will strive to have fresh stories every week! Stay tuned to learn about the...

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Martel’s growth in the international innovation landscape

Martel has a consolidated innovation tradition, having served its customers and partners for more than 20 years in the field of innovation management, R&D funding and in particular international collaboration projects, spanning across major ICT fileds, such as Telecommunications, Software Engineering, Wireless Networking and Future...

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Dr. Monique Calisti with Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Mario Campolargo Director for Net Futures in DG CONNECT at the Mobile World Congress 2016.

Digital Single Market work in progress – MARTEL @MWC16

[caption id="attachment_777" align="aligncenter" width="698"] Dr. Monique Calisti with Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Mario Campolargo Director for Net Futures in DG CONNECT at the Mobile World Congress 2016.[/caption] Working together to make the Digital Single Market vision to become a...

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Martel at the Mobile World Congress 2016

The party is about to start, let's try to make the best out of the Mobile World Congress experience! Each and every year the Mobile World Congress show becomes more and more interesting and captivating, also for small and medium innovation players like us. Just by looking...

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Martel new organisational structure

New organisational structure

Martel announces a new organisational structure to strengthen its business and service offering Martel introduces a new organisational structure to strength its position in the international innovation scene. The new organisational structure will diversify Martel's services portfolio, while consolidating its traditional core business. Background and future directions Martel's business profile evolved...

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