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Remember the old fable of three blind people with the pachyderm? Each of them built an impression of the animal by touching it, and described quite different animals based on whether they felt the trunk, flank or tail. If 5G is that elephant, Martel builds...

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Connecting at EuCNC 2018

Team Martel are back from a busy but rewarding edition of EuCNC that was held last week in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Clocking up its 27th edition, this European telecommunications and networking conference has been around since the founding stages of the European Union and it’s a...

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Preparing for the Second Engineering Conference in Volos

The Second Engineering Conference (FEC2) will be taking place on October 4-6, at Tsalapata Building, the brickworks turned innovation center in Volos, Greece. The Engineering Conferences aim to bring together technology experts, researchers, industry and international authorities contributing towards the assessment, development and deployment of ICT...

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