Martel to kickoff the H2020 EU-China Study on IoT and 5G


Besides a number of other EC proposals approved in 2016, the EU-China Study on IoT and 5G, EXCITING, is one that Martel is particularly proud of. EXCITING represents the follow-up of a previous EU-China Coordination and Support Action, called ECIAO, which Martel has been succesfully coordinating. In this respect, the EXCITING project allows us capitalizing on the previous experience and contacts gained in recent years, while opening up new business and collaboration horizons in a world-wide perspective, by facilitating bilateral cooperation between the EU and China on hot topics like IoT and 5G.

EXCITING KoM in RomeEXCITING is a 24-month Horizon 2020 project, funded partly by the EC, the Swiss and the Chinese authorities. It aims to create favourable framework conditions for efficient EU-China research and innovation collaboration in the fields of Next Generation Internet, NGI, especially focusing on 5G and Internet of Things (IoT). It studies and compares the research and innovation ecosystem, funding programmes, large scale pilots, standardization and interoperability activities in the NGI field in both Europe and China. The final outcome will be a roadmap that includes evidence-based recommendations for better IoT/5G research collaboration between Europe and China.

Martel Innovate, as the Coordinator of the project, has organised the First Kick-Off Meeting of the project in Rome, Italy on November 11th, 2016. This date was strategically chosen, taking advantage of the Second Global 5G Summit @5GPPP #GLOBAL5G that was held during the same period and location (November 9 – 10, Rome, Italy).

The aim of this very first meeting is to gather partners, essentially the main European ones, to discuss the plan of activities. Although the Chinese partners are still negotiating with the Chinese funding body (Ministry of Science and Technology – MOST) on the progress of funding from the China side, the project activities are already rolling.

Martel Innovate was able to invite eight representatives from six European partners of the project consortium gathered in Rome. They came from Switzerland, France, Luxemburg and Portugal. The initial planning of the project was discussed, as well as a large conference on IoT and 5G in March 2017 in China.

Along with the fruitful discussion, Martel, on behalf of the project, has proudily launched a number of media channels to reach out and connect to all stakeholders. Stay on top of the project development with EXCITING through: 1) The official website:; 2) The Twitter account: @EUChina_Iot5G; 3) The LinkedIN Group – EUCHINA IoT5G:

Martel Innovate is looking forward to all the new adventures and opportunities that will come along the journey of the project. We invite you to join and share your thoughts with us!

See you in our next events!